Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something Sexy About the Rain

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."
- John Ruskin

Funny how life works.  A child loves rain, to play in it, to get in trouble for staying in it too long because he/she might catch cold.  Some of the best fun came with rain, you know.  Mud pies, jumping in the puddles, being yelled at for getting mud and water all over the house.  It's surprising how this changes over time.  Maybe it's due to the responsibilities of growing up, maybe we really do lose our childhood and the joy we once found in this beautiful form of nature.

Walking around the Union on campus today I got to see a little bit of every reaction to the rain (as it's been off and on all day).  One guy, while walking down the stairs looked out and was very creative with his language choice when sharing his feelings about the weather, while others were a bit more upbeat.

It's WATER PEOPLE!  It's not going to harm you in any way.  Yes you'll get wet, but the good news is you won't burn to death, you won't be killed instantly, you won't melt.

I will gladly say that I'm happy when I got to the bus stop for my next class I stood in the rain and didn't complain, mind you the shelter was full of people so I couldn't get in, but still.  This is where I realized someone needs to make an umbrella handbook on etiquette.  I know I'm short, but most people hold umbrellas just right so that they're in my face so I'm constantly getting splashed when they spin it, or lower it to let water off.  Also people getting of the bus made things difficult by opening their umbrellas in peoples faces or where there wasn't any room for one.  Suck it up and wait 5 seconds in the rain to get past the people before opening your umbrella, it's all I'm asking.

Sorry for the slight rant there, but people were just being rude.

As long as there is no thunder and lightning I think we should all embrace rain.  It's fun and refreshing.  Yes naps, books, movies, are fun, but sometimes sitting on your porch with a nice cup of tea is good too.

Lastly, I should remember to keep my rain boots in my car (luckily I wore sneakers today) and should hunt down my umbrella (which is somewhere in my house).

Side Note: This post was started on a day it actually rained...sorry for the delay in posting.

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