Monday, April 23, 2012

Light A Roman Candle With Me- fun.

List 20 Random Facts About Yourself.
  1.  People don't realize it, but I am very introverted.  It takes me a while to get use to people before I really open up and be myself.
  2.  When I become attached/dedicated to a television show, of any type (The West Wing, One Tree Hill, etc), it rips my heart out when the show gets canceled or ends because I feel like I'm losing my friends and will never see them again.  It's so bad that I follow most of the casts on twitter...
  3. In the span of 6 months I lost two uncles and an aunt on my mom's side of the family due to cancer (caused from smoking).  This is part of the reason why movies that play the cancer card, no matter how crappy the movie, I always cry.  It's also why I don't like smokers.
  4. I can't wait for my trip to Mexico this summer. I really miss the west coast and the company that comes with it.
  5. I'm making it a goal to learn more about our presidents so I can successfully play True American as seen in a recent episode of New Girl.
  6. I love my job more than people realize.  I've become a beast at multi-tasking thanks to it, which is why I think I always feel like I always have to be doing something and it's so difficult for me to relax.
  7. Hockey is quickly becoming one of my favorite sports.  Yes, I am a Pittsburgh Penguins fan.  No I'm not a band wagoner.  Yes, I can name more players than Malkin, Crosby, and Fluery that are on the team.
  8. Sometimes I really miss school because I feel like I have too much free time.  However, Netflix, Hulu, and my Kindle are becoming my best friends.
  9. I've recently become engulfed with documentaries on Netflix.  They are the coolest things ever!  I recommend Waiting For Superman, Being Elmo, Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer, and Grizzly Man.
  10. I love to sing, however I'm only truly comfortable singing when I'm in my car alone or at church.
  11. Ecclesiastes and Romans are my two favorite books of the Bible.  More specifically Ecclesiastes 3 and Romans 12.
  12. I have a hard time writing blogs because I'm fearful I might be too honest with my thoughts and offend too many people.  Which doesn't help my mind because I think writing is suppose to be freeing.
  13. Drama seeks me out, even though I'm never directly involved.  This makes me sad, especially since I'm a people pleaser.  I just don't know how to fix this.
  14. I swear Disney brings out the 8 year-old hidden inside of me.  Mention Toy Story (1-3), Wall*E, or The Muppets and you'll understand.
  15. 6 years is too soon for a high school reunion (sorry fellow Suwannee High class of 2006 peers).
  16. Since giving up Facebook for Lent in February, I've noticed I use my computer less, but my phone more.
  17. For once I would like to be genuinely happy for more than 24 hours without disruptions (people don't realize how difficult this is for me).
  18. I have a lot of my band music from high school saved up in folders in my room.  I miss playing my flute (and piccolo), but I mostly miss marching.
  19. Volleyball needs to happen again soon.  I'm looking at you AFC!  This must happen next semester.
  20. Tuesday Night Trivia at 4th Quarter is one of the highlights of my week.  I have a great team and we're constantly making friends.

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