Saturday, November 13, 2010

Winding Road

Background for this blog:

  1. I'm not jumping on the blog bandwagon.  This is something I told myself I'd do in January and 11 months later I'm finally following through.
  2. My set up and style will change almost every week (my goal is to post once a week by the way).  i will be focusing on a song or quote that I feel illustrates what I'm feeling or sums up what I'll be writing.
  3. this is my first time trying something like this so bare with me, especially since I'm not good with free writing.
  4. Please let me know what you think, I love feedback.
Now for my first entry:

"And it's a winding road
I've been walking for a long time
I still don't know
Where it goes
And it's a long way home
I've been searching for a long time
I still have hope
We're gonna find our way home"
-Bonnie Somerville, Winding Road

There are two directions I'm going to take with this song.  First will be to relate it directly to my life and second, in true "Lynn" fashion, sports.

Recently I have figured something out with my life.  I find myself unsure of the future.  I'm graduating in spring, 6 months from now, and after 17 years of schooling, I will be on my own.  I don't want a career in my major (Family and Child Sciences) or my minor (Psychology).  I know I will have to go to Grad School, but would go crazy if I started right away.  So where is the winding road taking me?  I ask myself this a lot and th only thing I can answer with is "take the year off, work, do some traveling, save up some money, and take the GRE."  Then comes the harder question.  If you don't want to use your major, what will you study in Grad School?  This I've narrowed down to 3 things: mission work (which would take me to a Bible college most likely), something sports related (medicine or information), or something artsy which I haven't been able to enjoy since Middle School (like photography or interior design).

-Side note: I've actually had an idea for a potential job, I'm not sure how to present it though.  It's based off a conversation with the amazing Catherine (the Great) Hines about working with Club Quest and getting more involved in the organization.  My idea is to have a Club Quest office on the east coast since its only based out of Vancouver, WA currently.  With the second office questions could be answered from people who are closer, we'd probably be able to recruit more for our trips, and the potential would be to grow to multiple weeks.  Again, simply an idea, which I really have no clue how to present, and I'm not even sure it would be considered.

Back to reality, home is becoming a blur for me.  Of course Live Oak is home, my family is there, my siblings are starting their lives there, but the actual town, isn't home anymore.  The family that I've formed in Tallahassee is incredible and makes me not want to leave.  Tallahassee is the "little big town" that I've grown to love, it's the perfect size with the perfect church and it's not to far from home, Live Oak.  I had been thinking about trying to go to San Diego because I absolutely love that city, and I've kind of considered Atlanta, but I've realized that for where I am in life, they're simply too far for me to consider and that Florida is perfect for the now.  One day I will find the home (yes I know that there is Heaven, but I'm talking about the physical earthly home) and it will be marvelous, but until there I think Tally will do for the next year or 4.

Now for the real stuff, sports!  Being the Florida State fan that I am, that's what we'll mainly look at today.  Over the last 34 years we have had the most wonderful coach, Mr. Bobby Bowden.  For the first time in those 34 years we have a new coach, with new methods, and new plans, Mr. Jimbo Fisher.  I have nothing against Jimbo, in fact I have the most respect for him.  Jimbo stepped in at just the right time and has changed (at this time last year our record was 4-5, this year we are 6-3 and at the top of the Atlantic Division).  Don't get me wrong, I was, and still am, sad to see Bobby go (I cried at 5 football games over the matter), but even the most dedicated FSU and Bobby fans have to admit it was simply time for us to move on to brighter things.

That being said, Florida State fans get your heads out of your butts.  Yes we have new leadership, yes we have a better records than previous years, but it's not Jimbo's fault that our players are catching the ball, kicking perfect field goals, or blocking correctly.  Also, just because we lose and it's the offense's fault doesn't mean it's Christian Ponder's (#11) fault.  Specifically the lose to NCState, if you watch the play that lost us the game you'll see that Christian did everything he was suppose to, as did Ty Jones (#33), however when Ty went in to BLOCK for Christian, his shoulder hit the ball out of Christian's hands.  It was just bad luck, yet you judged him for this loss and were questioning why he was still quarterback.  I'm not trying to say Christian or any of the Noles are perfect, but this is not how you support a team how is having a difficult time, especially this close to the end of the season.  We need to remember sportsmanship, and that includes acting sportsmanlike towards our own team.  Don't be quick to judge our players, the other teams players or the refs, they're all doing the best they can.  We're still 6-3, we're still at the top of our division (barely, but still), we're still going to a bowl game, be happy!

Wow, I didn't expect that to turn into a rant, but I'll just leave it at that for now.  Depending on how tonight's game against Clemson (former Bowden Bowl, or as Mallory and I would say the "Our coach does your coaches mom" bowl) goes I might post another one, based on the game?  You'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, I've been out of college for exactly 2 years now and I STILL don't know where I want my life to go. I'm still dealing with leftover baggage (some may never fully ever go away). Getting out in the world is scary and I had all the reasons in the world to do it, but trust me, there's nothing that will make you grow up faster and appreciate all the things in life. Don't expect to have everything all sorted out the moment you graduate. Nothing ever goes according to plan. EVER. Just go with the flow, go where life takes you, sure I've had a lot of crappy moments in the past year, but the few wonderful moments I've had (and believe me there have been VERY few) have been some of the most wonderful and inspiring and have given me great insight into who I am and who I am becoming. Life doesn't ever go perfectly. Take time to explore who you are - it'll be okay :) Take it from someone who's been there.
